
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For the few of you who may not know about it, (it seems now that I've picked it up I hear of it more & more) I am reading a great book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  She is truly a gifted writer, which makes it so beautiful to read, but I think the "it" factor (for me any way) is the challenge to be content here & now.  There is nothing required of us to get this, just open our eyes and behold each detail that God has given us.  It sounds so just have to read it! 

So, I begin my list, a day late, naturally.

  1. The sun shining off of Ganna's eye lashes.  A reminder of how he swept me off of my feet 11 years ago. 
  2. Warm sunshine on my face.
  3. 4a.m. wake up call to a child with the words "I need you mommy".
  4. The deep-in-thought look on my son's face when he is "inventing".
  5. My God not willing to leave me where I am.
  6. Confirmation found in the word.
  7. The stillness of the early morning.
  8. Making new freinds.
  9. The sound of 6300 women raising thier voices to the Lord, so powerful!
  10. The smell of clean laundry heaped on couch.
  11. A phone call from my Momma.
  12. Friends willing to give up thier time so that I can visit my Mom!
  13. Big smiles and hugs in the morning.
  14. Energy restored.
  15. The sound of my daughter's voice, "there is no one else for me, none but Jesuuuuuuuuus"!


  1. Smell of clean of my very favorites too! One question: where did you find the warm sunshine for your face????

  2. Ok, I thought I posted, where did it go? I love the first one...that is sooooo sweet!And I'm with Leanne...was this sunshine recent? I want to go where you have been.

  3. good list! I like all of them, but maybe the last one the best :) You'll need to lend me the book when you're done!

  4. I’m here from Ann’s again.

    Even though it’s Thursday I’m still reading the lists. I heart these lists. And now I come to yours … And because you are never EVER too old for your momma - my favorite from your list is A phone call from my Momma.

    May God Bless and Keep you and all of yours this day
